Are You Over Pantry Meals Yet?
I’m Ready For More Clean Eating In My Life, How About You? Are You Over Pantry Meals Yet?
It hit me like a ton of bricks the other day when my dad, who lives in New Jersey, showed me a video of all he ordered through a food delivery service. Canned chili, potato chips, Doritos, More canned chili. In that moment, I realized, just because we’re under a “stay home” order, doesn’t mean we need to eat like we just had a category five hurricane and there’s no food available!
So this week, as I feel heavy and lethargic from too many pantry meals, I’m doing a clean foods reset. Who’s with me? Are you over pantry meals yet?I plan to do a week of NO sugar, clean eats, and low carbs. I need a system reset! This is what my meals will look like:
Meals For The Week
I’m a firm believer in not depriving myself of things I love, but always being mindful of moderation! So, along those lines, I always have my coffee in the morning as soon as I wake up. It’s a routine I look forward to and I’m not willing to change while quarantined! So that’s exactly how I’ll continue to start my day, coffee with a bit of half and half.
First Thing (after coffee): I’m not a huge breakfast person, but I like a little bite before I work out. Nothing big and heavy! So I’ll have a hard boiled egg, or 1/2 an avocado with salt & pepper, or some plain Greek yogurt with cinnamon.

Post Workout: I always make my favorite protein shake! It’s delicious and satisfies me heart and soul!

Lunch: I am obsessed with, what I call, “sheetpan lunches”. Basically, I throw a bunch of yummy things on a plate or platter to make a fun variety of flavors and colors! This week I’ll load up on avocados, eggs, sweet potatoes, and fresh fruits & veggies! I also love an open faced PB&J! I always pick a jelly with no added sugar. OR I just do PB with a touch of honey. Just as tasty!
Afternoon Treat: I always have a healthy snack that I’ve made for the week on hand because, although I’m a very healthy eater, I love the afternoon coffee with a sweet treat. So this week I’ve made refined sugar and gluten free chocolate chip cookies. They are absolutely delicious! The trick here will be not eating 10 in one sitting :o)
Dinner: Last week I posted some of my grillin’ favorites! I love the grill, because there’s so much flavor, but it’s relatively healthy as long as you don’t drench it in fat. I actually plan to round up some fresh meals for next week that will fit right along with my health kick! So make sure to stay tuned for next week’s weekly meal planner!
Bottom line is, a plate full of bright colors, fruits & veggies, healthy fats, and good carbs is the way to go! They fuel the body and keep you energized! So here’s to a week of clean eating! Who is with me?!