Top 5 Immune Boosting Tips

My Top 5 Immune Boosting Tips to get you through cold and flu season.
I know I’m not the only one feeling overwhelmed, and a tad unnerved, by the constant updates flying around about the Coronavirus. Part of me just wants to go on, business as usual. BUT now that the kids are home from school for two weeks, it seems more real. Anyone feel that? My “protect-my-family-from-the-world-ending” gene has kicked in. The only thing we can do to feel somewhat in control, is boost our immune systems!
We went to the store this morning for another “load up” session so we’re stocked in case things shut down. I mean, that’s worse case scenario, BUT I’d rather have food should things go south. While out, I made sure to load up on ingredients for my immune boosting tips and tricks!
Now that we’ve stocked up on enough toilet paper to last a lifetime, let me share some helpful hacks to fight this nasty virus going around! I use these things during cold/flu season regardless of the type of virus. I see a major difference in our health AND longevity of the crud if we catch it. This goes for all of us, kids included! I’ll link to recipes and items so you can make your shopping list easily!
Top 5 Immune Boosting Tips

**Get the ORGANIC turmeric since you’re eating it straight, and LOCAL honey. If you don’t know the benefits of local honey, give it a good ol’ google search. You’ll be amazed!

**Make sure you get the RAW and UNFILTERED kind.

**photo cred:
Grocery List
- Apple Cider Vinegar (Raw & Unfiltered)
- turmeric (organic)
- Elderberries
- fresh ginger
- ground cinnamon
- ground clove
- Vitamin D (kids)
- Multi Vitamin (kids) – purchased at Whole Foods
- Green Tea
- LINK TO ELDERBERRY SYRUP RECIPE — dosing suggestions listed
I hope my Top 5 Immune Boosting Tips are helpful for you and your family! Feel free to share your favorite Cold/Flu hacks in the comments! I love new ideas. Stay safe out there, Friends!
Know that I am NOT a doctor. If you feel symptoms that worry you, go to the doc! These are just helpful tips in building your immune system! xoxo