A Healthier Whipped Coffee

I would be remiss to not say anything at all about what’s happening in our world and pretend like our nation is hunky-dory. But the truth is, it’s not. Everywhere we turn, there seems to be more bad news in the media. And, regardless of what religion we practice or what political views we have, everyone is affected by these challenging times.
I think, amidst the hurting and the division, it’s easy to agree on one thing, and it’s the simplest concept of all. Love. Love others the way you want to be loved. Regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, and opinions. We live in a country where we have the freedom to express what we believe, which is a beautiful thing. I love all people because Jesus loved all people. He was the best example of the life that I am daily trying to live. The more I look like Jesus, the more I can help make the world a better place. For us, for our children, and for the generations to come. Thanks for letting me share my heart!
Although we are living in unprecedented times, there is one thing that is a constant in my life, regardless of what the day brings. And that is my need for a caffeine fix! So, as a self-proclaimed coffee addict (as you can tell by the espresso machine I have in my house), I made a delicious and healthier whipped coffee that will truly change your life! My secret ingredients are instant espresso, oat milk & coconut sugar! Check out this video tutorial!
It came out SOOOOO good. I’m addicted. It’s fluffy, sweet, and like a giant cloud of pillowy goodness.

It starts melting and mixing into the milk and gets better with every sip! I add more oat milk as I drink it because I don’t want the goodness to end.

This is such a decadent and delicious coffee, but I wanted to create a healthier whipped coffee than the others flying around the web! I don’t drink it all the time. But, when I do, I feel like I’ve really treated myself! I hope you enjoy this as much as I do! xoxo
Healthy Whipped Coffee
- hand-held mixer
- 2 Tbsp instant espresso
- 2 Tbsp hot water
- 2 Tbsp coconut sugar
- Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix with a hand-held mixer (or standing mixer with whisk attachment) until light and fluffy. About 5-7 minutes. You can also use a whisk apparently, just make sure you've done your arm workout for the day!